
A Little History...

Fun Stuff...

Okay, confession time.  I was a thief by the age of 7.  I heard a recording (on vinyl, remember that?) of Bill Cosby's "To Russell, my Brother, Whom I slept With," and totally ripped him off.  I memorized the whole dang routine and performed it wherever people would indulge me.

 My first time performing at the Improv, I bombed.  Well, that may be over-stating it, but there was an AWFUL lot of silence between jokes!  I quickly realized I had to work on my material, which I did.  a LOT.  I got better...

Many years later, I have over 2,000 performances (of original comedy material) under my belt (size 38 for those keeping score) and still absolutely LOVE performing!  

Customer Raves

"We used Kelly for our Premiere Jewelry Company Event and he killed.  In the good way..."

– Randy Draper, Premiere Designs, Colleyville, Tx

"One of the funniest comedians I've ever seen!"

–  Todd Herbst, fan, Allen, Tx

"Really impressive words about Kelly..."

– Big time, well-known Sponsor Dude